These words increasingly raise the level of panic when followed by “We’ll try our hardest to fix this”
I am pretty laid back when it comes to getting my hair done. However, I was bald until I was three {no joke, maybe someday I’ll share pics} and when my hair did finally decide to grow it a) didn’t grow evenly for the longest time and b) took FOREVER to grow. I think as a result I’ve gone overboard and let my hair get super long. I usually just stick to layers and if I’m feeling a little ambitious, side swoop bangs. That’s right, I live on the edge.
To give you an idea here's my before {picture taken a few days ago}
This time around I wanted to spice things up. I’m a little tired of the same old same old and yet I’m not ready to part with my “princess hair”. Highlights! Perfect way to change it up without going crazy. I explained what I wanted. Subtle. Easy to maintain. Natural looking. We were very much on the same page. Or so I thought.
First the haircut, a few inches to get rid of the split ends turned into 5. Now, I know my hair and believe me, it was not that damaged. Two inches would have been golden. However, I could deal. It’s approaching summer, a little less hair in the heat would be ok. {and hair grows quickly in the summer}
I should have known if she couldn’t get the haircut right we we’re doomed for the color. She wanted to do a ballyage {not sure if that spelling is correct} The way she explained it to me was that it was a higher end version of highlights, with little upkeep {ie no horrible grow out} Sounds fabulous to me.
More like doom. It took her a good hour and a half to put in all the color gunk. Yes. I’m super scientific. At this point I was still kind of excited, albeit my butt was getting numb. One of the supervisors came over and immediately I knew something was wrong. Insert technical difficulty spiel peppered with promises to fix it and mutterings of big spots of color. Balls.
At this point my chatty hairdresser has become super grumpy lady from hell. Umm, hello, not my fault you screwed up my hair. And I was being super nice about it, but she didn’t speak to me again for at least 2 hours. Her supervisor finally picked up on her grumpitude and sent her on a break and worked on my hair for a bit. It all became kind of a hazy panicked blur. I had visions of tiger stripes or bleach polka dots dancing through my head. A few more hours later they finally let me see my hair. Guess what, I’m a blonde now! I’m still adjusting to it {way bigger change than I was planning} but I’m going to try to embrace it.
They only had me pay for the haircut, so it wasn’t a pocket buster. After I left I was kind of mad I didn’t insist on walking out for free. Total time spent in the chair: 6 hours and 45 minutes. Panic attacks: too many to count. Having your husband tell you he’d love me even if I was bald: Priceless. {although I think he actually may like the blond lol}
Oh and you want to know the kicker? My hairdresser had the nerve to a) rebook me for another appointment with her and b) give me her cards to share with friends/family. FAT CHANCE! A message out there for all you hairdressers: if you make a mistake don’t stop talking to your client for 3 and a half hours! And if you make that epic of a mistake, don’t expect me to return!
Now that you've listened to my hair appointment horror story:
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Please excuse the no-makeup, cheesy smile. This was RIGHT after. It captures my frustration lol. |
Sorry about that fiasco! But I feel ya---I didn't grow hair until 3 either and everyone thought I was a boy. Hmph.
You still look cute! YAY!
wow. I can't believe they still made you pay for the haircut and she had the nerve to try to rebook.
Oh wow! What a horrible appointment! That hair dresser had some nerve! Your hair looks great though, after they fixed it... dunno what it looked like during the crisis but you wouldn't be able to tell now :) I went through something similar once when I got a perm, my hair was literally burned off :( and some how I still ended up paying too, I think I was just in shock still...
I think it looks pretty spiffy.
I'm like you (bald forever as a baby, and I keep it long and boring. lol) which is why I've always been too afraid to dye my hair. Maybe someday I'll make the leap, but hopefully not to this hairdresser!!
OH-EM-GEE: I would have been LIVID! You took it much better than I think I would have :( Your hair looks super cute though! Thank heavens it's not tiger stripes or bleach polka dots! That's one reason I'm so scared to do anything drastic with my hair!
You did good, and your hair actually looks pretty good. I'd watch out for the growing out... it looks like it might get a little bottom heavy.
And yeah, that sucks about the hairdresser. I'd call and talk to the salon owner. Maybe if she promises a root touch up (by HER, not the grumpy pants) for free, it'll be worth it. You look great!
Holy crap, after 3 hours I would have told them to shave it so I could go home. I can't believe she gave you cards, that's hilarious.
It sounds rotten, but I really do like your hair in that picture! The bangs are cute!
I can't believe they still had you pay! I would have been a raging crazy woman if they did that to me!
Oh wow, what a crazy experience!! On a positive note, it really does look good!!
That's nuts! I can't believe they made you pay anything at all. However, I think that length looks great on you!
A. I'm sorry the appointment went badly, however, you do not look bad. I like it, and I'm not just being nice. I don't do nice :P
B. I wouldn't have even agreed to pay for the haircut when "split ends" turned into 5 inches. I'd have told them to shove it ALL and walked straight out the door.
You, my dear, are FAR nicer than me.
Oh my that is crazy.
You look so pretty.
wow, those people are insane...i am ADD i couldnt have sat in the chair that long! I still cant believe they made you pay for the haircut!!
I think its cute, i would be frustrated to, yeah you should burn her cards!!
geeze, what a trip to the salon ay? but on the good side, you do look great!
I would have lost it if I had to sit in a chair that long. But I do like it. Looks great on you!
oh no thats an awful experience- your hair looks great though!
Oh my word. I can't imagine! But your hair looks great!
I think your hair looks great!!! The experience sounded pretty terrible though. Maybe you should have taken the stylists cards to pass them out to friends to make sure they DON'T go to her? She sounds awful. BUT YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL and that's what counts!
Oh my!! That's a loooong hair appointment but your hair looks nice though!!
Balayage is fancy-schmancy, ultra difficult way of getting the same results of highlights. >.< And if you don't know EXACTLY what you're doing, it's easy to mess up. I've only heard of extremely high-end stylists with YEARS of experience using this method. Most colorists I know just shrug at balayage and continue to use the regular foiling method.
And, yeah, your stylist was mad unprofessional. But it's awesome that supervisors stepped in to make sure your hair WASN'T a disaster, even if your appointment was.
So sorry!
I don't think it looks bad! I once had a hairdresser rip my earring out and I bled like crazy! She didn't apologize or anything and it was just a teeny stud earring too!
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