
Monday, February 7, 2011

When In Doubt, Jig It Out

I'm feeling a little grumpus this evening and I can't put my finger on why. HB has been asleep for hours {poor sleepy husband} and I don't feel the slightest bit tired. Must have been the pounds of sugar I just consumed in the form of puppy chow ;) {for those of you unfamiliar, no I have not been stealing Bear's dog food, it's a peanut butter, chocolate, powdered sugar coated chex concoction} Instead of wallowing, I've decided to share with you lovelies a few funny sights I have seen recently. Most of these were on my adventure to San Francisco.

One of the first funny things, a gentleman reading a Cosmo. Now maybe this doesn't seem odd to some of you. I know there is a whole section in the magazine that men write into, but I guess I always just thought they made it up ;)

Next, we had the joy of watching a gentleman pee in an alley. Not so shocking at some times of the day, except this was in broad day light and he was by no means sheltered from view. Really I know this isn't that unusual, I'm not that sheltered, but it still made me giggle as we passed by.

Probably my favorite, we witnessed a man walking a cat down the street on a leash. To be fair, the cat seemed to be enjoying itself. Most cats I've known would have been PISSED!

Clearly I'm feeling random, so to continue with my random spree, I will leave you with an Irish dance video. It's been awhile since I've forced some Irish culture on y'all {36 days til St Patrick's Day, get excited!}


Anonymous said...

Ahaha I love this post.

Steph said...

People are strange. And I've never seen or heard of a man reading Cosmo before.

Anonymous said...

Too cute. Reminds me of the other day when it was about 15 below outside and I was sitting at the intersection and this lady in probably about her mid-thirties was walking across the street carrying nothing but a box of Depends. It made me giggle. She just didn't care one bit (which is probably why it made me giggle). I would have at least put it in a bag to carry..haha!

hmb said...

Ahahaha there was a guy in my hometown that always walked his cat on a leash. We all thought he was crazy...

Jennifer said...

San Francisco is an interesting city... lol. And now you made me crave puppy chow!!

Julie said...

This makes me want to jig.

Alyssa said...

Between you and me...and a million other bloggers (haha) My husband LOVES COSMO. He tells me to buy it, or pick it up in the grocery store and put it in the cart, so he isn't seen being the one purchasing it! haha!

It's a Dog Tag Wife Life said...

Mmmm, I love puppy chow. I make a huge batch, then put it in snack baggies, then stick it in the freezer and can have it anytime I want!

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