
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reading Gets My Brain Working

I haven't read many books these days. My appetite for reading used to be voracious, but now in the evenings, after little man has gone down to sleep, I really just want to veg out in front of the tv {usually while HB plays video games on his laptop} I don't have the energy to read, but I miss it. I've been trying to find times to read and make a point of turning off the t.v. It's taking me far longer to finish a book than normal, but I'm getting there.

My current read:
Most of you know who C.S. Lewis is; his Narnia books are pretty famous ;) but he was a prolific writer.  This book is a satirical examination of a series of correspondence between Screwtape and Wormwood. The two are servants of "Our Father Below". At this point you may have gathered, this is one of Lewis' examinations of Christianity, but for those of you who aren't keen on religion, don't let this scare you away. I really think you can enjoy this book without being overwhelmed by the question of religious faith.

Anyhoo, one section that really grabbed my attention {so far}deals with anticlimax. "The Enemy allows this disappointment to occur on the threshold of every human endeavor... It occurs when lovers have got married and begin the real task of learning to live together. In every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing."

When I read that, I really let it sink in. It's like an epic chase. The thrill of striving for things overshadows actually getting them, because we build them up in our minds. How ridiculous is that? No one has a perfect fairy tale life, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy. However, a satisfying life does take work, it isn't just given to us. If it was, then would we really appreciate it? And also, it can be so difficult to realize that you already have many of the things you've aspired for in life. What then? I think the in between, before you develop new aspirations, can be a difficult time. You're happy and yet you're searching for that feeling of bliss that you think you should have when you have everything you've hoped for.

Have any of you ever struggled with this; reaching your aspirations and then suddenly wishing for more?  Just my deep thoughts for the day  ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good one! I'll have to check it out!

Angie said...

I'm pretty sure I do that ALL the time. I just want want want out of life, but I know I have to work and fight for it! :)

Alyssa said...

I'm with ya on that.... I really miss the patience and motivation to enjoy a good book!

Lipstick, Uniforms and bare feet....The Tremblays said...

I read the Screwtape letters forever ago! Such a great book! I don't know many people who have heard of it.
I just started following you! Its nice to meet other Military spouses. :) I love your blog background.

Anonymous said...

thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog!! I'm glad I'll be getting to know you.

Take care!

Emily said...

The Screwtape Letters have been on my to-read list forever. Thanks for sharing this bit because now I remember why I wanted to read it. I'm heading to amazon now to get this book ordered!

Jessa said...

Ahh...this is a book I've completely forgotten about it. Now I must get it on my kindle!

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