
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bear, The Mighty Watchdog?

Apparently my dog doesn't care for Jehovah's Witnesses. Let me rewind a little.

Whenever the weather is nice, I have been forced to keep watch for the red van that drives down my street, parks a few doors down, and they come a knocking. I made the epic mistake of being friendly with them once and as they walked away I saw them write down something in their little notebook. Pretty sure it was something like, "Didn't slam door in my face. Must make her see the Truth"

I have a hard time being firm with people that come to my door. Even salespeople. I hate it, because it destroys my routine {and often times they manage to knock right when I get little man down for a nap}, but I have such a hard time not being friendly. This used to get me into trouble in college when I would go out on the town with the girls. I would get clingers and I always had to have my friends save me, because I couldn't be mean. {typical people pleaser} 

Anyways, back to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The first time they came to my door, I explained that I was Catholic and happy in my religion. They offered me a pamphlet on the Bible, which I politely accepted and were on their way. Nice. Quick.

Not so much the next time. Not only did they remember my name {creepy} but they wanted to know if they could come in and discuss what I had read in the pamphlet. I explained to them that honestly I'd only had a chance to glance it over.  I mean you can't lie to a Jehovah's Witness, I'm sure there's something in the Bible about that. They said they would come back another time. That was my moment when I should have said, no thanks. Clearly, I didn't.

Once more they returned, but this time I was actually putting little man down for a nap and I explained that I did not have time. After this encounter, I became paranoid. If the sun came out, I'd be walking through the house doing chores, playing with little man, glancing out the window for their van. That is until the other day. Bear barked to be let out and he romped around in the sunshine. All of the sudden, my jovial Bear Cub sounds more like Cujo. Since this is so uncharacteristic of my loving lab mix, I went to the window to see what was amiss. Poor Jehovah's Witness lady had the love of Jesus scared right out of her. It seems she had approached the gate to open it when Bear came dashing from the back yard, quite unexpected, and started barking up the storm.
You can bet Bear got a nice treat when he got back inside ;)


Anonymous said...

"That will do dog...that will do." Is what came to mind lol awesome!

It's a Dog Tag Wife Life said...

Now that's an awesome dog! Ours barks at everyone who comes to the door. The JWs come, hear him barking, and then take off since he sounds like a killer. He always gets a treat for that.

Megan said...

Haha! That is so hilarious! What a great dog to have around. If they ever come to our door, I just pretend that no one is home. Shoot I even do that when the neighbor kids come around trying to sell stuff. I am horrible about saying no to little kids, so I just don't answer the door anymore.

Irish Italian Blessings said...

My favorite post of the day!! How funny...Good Bear, Good Bear. I've totally been in your shoes, I try to be nice but eventually it's like, thanks but no thanks.

If Love Was Water, I'd Give You The Sea said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! This was hilarious!! We have a 80 pound german shepherd who is super sweet but has a way of scaring away any sales people who knock on the door, because we have a window on the side of the front door, works wonders!

Steph said...

Sometimes I wish my dogs were bigger for this exact reason. Good job Bear!

Fran said...

That is amazing! haha - my dogs would bark up a storm too but they would be trying to become friends, they're too lovable and wants new friends haha

Jennifer said...

Haha, this made me laugh so hard. I always get the Mormon missionaries coming to my house because I always offer them water/lemonade in the summer. I feel bad for them walking around in the heat all day. I'm sure they have my name and address saved and tell all the new missionaries to stop by my house. lol

Anonymous said...

Love it!! My mom has a few of them who come by from time to time. She has a hard time being mean to them also. She said normally if she lets them read to her from the bible, then they'll leave her alone. lol

JG said...

The same thing happened to me yesterday! Only it was a vacuum salesman. The puppies don't know "stay" yet and they kind of go crazy whenever someone knocks on the front door, and they want to make a break for it. So I only opened the door a fraction and they guy was trying to sell me, and the one of the puppies got loose and I said, "Sorry, I really can't talk right now," and he helped me catch the puppy and said, "Yeah, you look busy, bye." It was awesome!

Lou said...

OMG. GIRL YOU CRACK ME UP!!! hahah that is so funny. I always have a lie when they come by to, i never know how to make them leave. Geez girl that is so funny, you were all honest with them...i bet her heart broke when you told her you hadnt read her pamphlet. girl your a riot

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