
Sunday, November 3, 2013


Snowflake Swap
Halloween is over, which of course means it's time to start thinking about winter holidays!!!!! I know some of you may be groaning as you read this, but what can I say, I like to be prepared.  Awhile back the lovely Ms Acacia reminded me of how awesome a blog swap had been for the holidays. You see, my lovely blog friends, I LOVE sharing the holidays with people. I love finding the perfect little gifts that make people smile and I wanted to share that joy with one my blog friends.
Of course, don't allow me to leave out the lovely Ms Jane {I'm sure you've heard of her, the lovely genius behind my new design}. Without her help, Acacia and I might still be watching ninja videos and talking about big packages ;-)
So with that long explanation, let me get to the nitty gritty. We are doing a Snowflake Swap. Signups will be open until November 15, 2013. You will receive your match email no later than the 20th of November, with plenty of time to get in touch with them if you have any additional questions and ship out the flurries of happiness, Snowflake Swap style, by the 10th of December. {for those of you that celebrate Hanukkah- it will be a slightly belated Hanukkah gift!}  Not to be a Debbie Downer, but please only sign up if you intend to follow through. It always totally stinks when someone gets left out.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Acacia, Jane, or of course, ME! 
What are you waiting for? SIGNUP!!!! And once you signup be sure to tweet us #snowflakeswap and let everyone know you've joined in on the fun!


Alejandra said...

Awww. I'm missing out on all of the fun holiday swaps. I learned last PCS to not attempt these things while moving. :/

I'll Love You Forever said...

I have signed up! Super excited!!

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